List of HIV Testing Centers in Antique

Here is a comprehensive list of free and paid HIV STD Clinics and hospitals in Antique, Philippines.

Alternatively, you can check out HIV testing kits online and test at home.

HIV Testing Centers in Antique

Antique Rural Health Unit

Culasi, Antique, Philippines

(36) 272 8208

Class: Government

Angel Salazar Memorial General Hospital

Tobias A. Fornier Street, San Jose de Buenavista, Antique

(036) 540 7133

Class: Government

Antique Cities and Municipalities

Anini-y, Barbaza, Belison, Bugasong, Caluya, Culasi, Hamtic, Laua-an, Libertad, Pandan, Patnongon, San Jose de Buenavista, San Remigio, Sebaste, Sibalom, Tibiao, Tobias Fornier, Valderrama


Posted in  on September 20, 2020 by admin |